Reliance Jio Has Released The Lowest Cost Laptop In India With An 11-Inch Display & JioOS For Rs 16,499 Reliance Retail announced the JioBook, an 11-inch HD laptop with an octa-core processor, in India on July 31. The startup touts an eight-hour battery life with regular use, positioning the device as a learning aid and a cloud computing platform. Reliance Launches 11-Inch Laptop: All You Need To Know About Jio Book The JioBook, which boasts an 11-inch HD display and an octa-core CPU, is being lauded as the nation's "first learning book." The JioBook will be available for sale for 16,499 starting on August 5 through Reliance Digital's online and physical locations as well as Reliance is committed to introducing cutting-edge goods that support people in their learning journeys, according to a company spokeswoman. Our most recent product, the brand-new JioBook, caters to learners of all ages with its cutting-edge features and flexible networking possibi...
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